Thing-Power and Agency in Different Dystopian Environments

In this final blog post of my series on delving into many dystopian environments, I am using a peer’s blog post focusing on “thing-power” to expand my previous argument. I will be reviewing Hope Wason’s blog post titled “An Egg-citing Hunt.” (Please check out her blog post by clicking this link .) In her post, Hope begins by explaining the new materialist idea of “thing-power,” where she notes that the “more direct connections an object has, the more power and influence it carries over others.” To illustrate her argument that objects shape environments, Hope analyzes the dystopian novel Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, specifically the three keys and an Easter egg. She also mentions how these objects obtain their power though the Oasis, a virtual reality that harnesses control over people who are looking to escape the real world. And, as a result of the death of the Oasis creator, James Halliday, a “hunt” was developed and marketed for all people with...